Thursday, February 10, 2011

9) The Price is Fail!

Previously on "Everything's Coming Up Russes!"

The Drug Dealer lost a sack of wizard.  Maybe you shouldn't weigh your drugs out in the stairwell of the apartment complex, trying to hide from the rest of your room mates... further more, if you need to run inside the apartment really quick to grab something, maybe you shouldn't leave your drugs out where someone could find them, because when you get back... they could be gone... like they were when you got back.  Now you're out a couple hundies bro.  Nice work.


If you're in LA, why not sign up to try and be on some game shows?  Russ did.  He signed up to try and be a contestant on Wheel of Fortune, and also signed up, and received a ticket to be in the audience of The Price is Right.

If you ever have a ticket to be an audience member on The Price is Right... here are surefire ways you'll fuck it up, and not make it on time.

Despite what the ticket says about the line starting at 6am, sleep in instead, wake up around 9, shower, then smoke a bunch of wizard, next instead of going straight to the studio, go to Starbucks for an hour.  Now, at this point check in starts at 12:30, you've got half an hour to get there.  Now is the time to read all of the 3 page ticket you printed out.

What's this?  Check in is actually at 12:15?  You better get a move on then, you've only got 15 minutes to get there, and traffic's not going to be good.  Run back to your car, and find a parking ticket on the windshield for parking on the street during the street cleaning times.  Now this is tricky, street cleaning only happens once a week for two hours, so you really need to plan where you park your car ahead of time.  Ball up the ticket and get in your car.  Follow the directions on the 3 page ticket to the parking garage that is about a mile away from the studio.  Park your car on the fifth floor of one of the biggest parking lots you've ever been in.  Don't use the elevator, walk down the five flights of stairs... now you'll end up in a shopping center much like The Plaza, a nicer, bigger Plaza... you won't know where you are, or what direction your pointed.  Walk around lost for a little while.

This is key, enter the address of the studio into the GPS on your iPhone... follow the directions to a T.  If you followed the directions correctly, 15 minutes later you should arrive in some random residential neighborhood.

By this time it's at least an hour after the check in time... here's the most important step.  Give up.

As an added bonus do this:

Go ahead and walk back to your car defeated, and when you get there realize that you need to get your parking ticket validated.  Maybe smoke some wizard before walking back down the five flights of stairs.  Treat yourself to a milkshake, and ask to get your ticket validated.  They'll say they don't validate tickets, oh well at least you have a milkshake.

Everything was NOT coming up Russes today that's for sure.  Russ took the rest of the day to do what he's been doing the time he's been here... surf the internet at a coffee shop until they close.  After the coffee shop closed Russ decided to drop off his stuff at the apartment, and go for a walk.  While he was in the apartment he ran into The Actor.

"Russ, man, how was your day."
"Good good, man, today was a good day for me, I got a lot done, took care of somethings."
"Yea man, went and got into The Price is Right-"
"Uh what?"
"We went to The Price is Right today... we didn't win anything."
"Wait.  You were at The Price is Right? Today?"
"Yea man, we got interviewed but they didn't pick us to be contestants."
"Today?  Earlier today?  The Price is Right?"
"Yea, we might try again next week."

Russ couldn't believe it, he still can't believe it.  Russ hadn't told anyone he had a ticket to The Price is Right... this was just a big fucking coincidence, and after hearing that The Actor was there, and he made it in, Russ was pissed.

All is not lost in Russ's quest to be on The Price is Right though, he has another ticket, come February 22nd, Russ will get there at 6am, and be on The Price is Right... if wizard doesn't stand in his way.

There are days, and there are days.


Coming up on "Everything's Coming Up Russes!"
Things get hard, tempers flare, Russ starts to lose it.  This and more next time... if there's a next time.

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