Thursday, February 24, 2011

And now a word from our sponsors...

I'm going to take a break from my normal posting routine to mention a few things...

First... I'd like to give a shout out to all the friends who've helped me get through this shitty time.  I don't really want to list names... but you all should know who you are, cause you're the ones reading this.  I have like one friend here in LA, so it's been great being able to talk to you guys even if it's online, text, whatevs.  You all will be awarded with gold stars.

Special shout out to Craig Brenner for actually coming to LA to hang out!  You will be awarded a platinum star.

Second... I'd like plug some items that have also helped get my mind off things...

What I've been listening to:
This American Life - This has been great to listen to on the long car rides, and at night before I go to bed... so fucking good.
Kanye West "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" - I know a lot of people think Kanye's a douchebag, but this albums actually pretty good.
Childish Gambino (Donald Glover) - You probably know this dude as Troy on Community, but did you know he's also a writer, and a hip hop singer?  You can download his first album FOR FREE!  If you like that you can get more of his music by searching for Childish Gambino on  This is what I've been listening to the most... by most I mean like everyday.

What I've been playing:
GP2X Caanoo MAME/Console Emulator - I bought this for myself as a Christmas gift, since I knew I wouldn't have my PS3 or Xbox with me on my trip.  What is this thing?  It's pretty much a Gameboy type device, that you can download old school games onto... NES, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Gameboy, Neo Geo Pocket, and Playstation games on to... you can put more on there, but those are what I play on it.  150$ and I've probably played with that thing for at least 40-50 hours so far... at least.

What I've been reading:
Black Hole
Richard Stark's Parker, Vol. 1: The Hunter
Planetary Vol. 4: Spacetime Archaeology
Fables: The Deluxe Edition Book One
SoulPancake: Chew on Life's Big Questions

What I've been watching:
Californication - Currently on season 3.
Big Love - Almost finished with season 3.
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World - Picked this up... Blu-Ray/DVD combo!
Sanctum 3D - Fuck this movie.  I decided to see a movie instead of watch the Super Bowl, and it was between this and The Roommate.  I decided on Sanctum, walked twenty minutes to the closest theater, and got in line to buy a ticket... a fucking ticket to this shitty movie cost me... 19.75$... I'm almost embarrassed to tell you all that's how much I paid, fucking ay.  The theater was almost empty except for 4 gay dudes, and an old couple.  There was absolutely no reason whatsoever that this movie should of been in 3D.  I'm still really pissed off about this.  Come on!! TWENTY BUCKS?!?!?  I should of seen The Roommate, a movie that could be based off of someone I know...

and... sure why not tell you guys what I've been eating...

What I've been eating:
Turkey sammiches
Yogurt and granola
Baked Lays

Ok... back to our regular scheduled programming...

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